Wednesday, September 21, 2016

How social media has helped Families, Social Workers and the Government in discerning info during calamities

Social Media such as big helped to our beloved families, social workers, and the government in discerning info during calamities, in short it's helped to everyone to still communicate through technology. As communication and information travel faster and faster, the world seems to get smaller and smaller. As a result, this changes how the world communicates, especially with today's obsession with social media networks.

Because of Social Media Networks, we are now able to interact and communicate with thousands of people all over the world. Through this, we can easily update for all emergency especially when contacting your families when getting trying to hope to see you if you are okay during calamities, for Social Workers who are working with people and families to support them through difficult times and ensure that vulnerable people, including children and adults are safe guarded from harm. So through social media they can easily still being support and help in order to improve outcomes in people's lives.

Also to the government who always trying there to support our needs in life, so through social media they can easily also share and let people know what's happening right now in surroundings to let us be readiness during calamities.

Originally written by:
Asmen Macaradi

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