Monday, August 22, 2016

Social Media as an Instrument of Change

Social Media as an Instrument of Change

As "Social Media as an Instrument for Change", it's true, fact, and in reality as now on a days. Human nature by default has been programmed to be socially active to a certain extent. Some people are more active, while others are less so. However, people have always been looking for ways to connect and network with each other, and in this age of digitisation, people have found ways to be socially active on the internet, which is possible with the advent of the numerous social networking platforms and apps.
Now, even relationships begin, grow and end on social media. People no longer need a personal handshake or face-to-face meeting. Most of people use technologies as already part of their livelihood. Social Media mostly users are teens, it has also an advantages and disadvantages, mostly users use it for fun, and sometimes people just use it without care, guide, and control. They just use it without knowing that what they click is very important to know and to analyze things step by step.Social Media is one of the harmful sites that already experience right now, most common wrong information or content are freely to post there, everyone can manipulate it with or without permission of the site.Social Media is being change now and then, and the most crime reported is included from Social Media. Social Media where you can use your personal account, manipulating everything that can be, posting and sharing information/content but be careful on what you share, post, and click so think before you click.

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